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River monsters. Swimming in the swamp of dating apps.


1 min read

Mar 26



Navigating the murky waters of dating apps can often feel like diving headfirst into a cesspit of disappointment and despair. From the endless stream of depressing encounters to the downright gross profiles, it's a wild ride from start to finish.

One of the most notorious sights? Men proudly displaying their conquests in the form of fish they've caught. It's as if holding a slimy creature somehow signifies prowess in the dating world. But let's be real, unless you're auditioning for a role on "River Monsters," it's probably not the best look.

And don't even get me started on the quality of photos. Blurry bathroom selfies, group shots where you have to play detective to figure out which one is actually the person you're supposed to be swiping on, and let's not forget those cringe-worthy gym selfies. Newsflash: flexing in front of a mirror does not a good profile picture make.

But perhaps the most soul-crushing aspect of dating apps is the realization that for every potential match, there are countless others just a swipe away. It's a never-ending cycle of browsing, swiping, and hoping for something better, only to be met with disappointment time and time again.

So, if you find yourself knee-deep in the cesspit of dating apps, take heart. You're not alone in your struggle against bad photos, fish-holding men, and the general bleakness of it all. Just remember to hold out hope that somewhere out there, amidst the sea of mediocrity, your perfect match might be waiting.


1 min read

Mar 26



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